
Medical First Aid Kits

1359 products

Showing 913 - 960 of 1359 products

Showing 913 - 960 of 1359 products
Frostbite Of The Foot
Face In Shock
Hypodermic Injection Trainer
1, 2 And 3 Degree Burn
Perforated Wound
Jaw Wound
Large Fracture
Open Head Wound
Chest Wound
Bladder Wound
Spatula/Plastic Pk Of 6
5 1/2 Straight Scissors
Depressors, Tongue (100 Pk.)
Glycerin  1 Oz.
Cold Cream 1#
Powdered Charcoal 2 Oz.
Molding Clay Brown1Lb.
Lining Color Special Blue
Moulage Movie Dvd
Deluxe Casualty Simulation Kit
Foreign Body Protrusion Stikon
Eviscerated Intestines Stickon
Large Laceration 5 Cm Stickon
Medium Laceration 3 Cm Stickon
Small Laceration 1 Cm Stickon
Comp.Fracture Humerus Stickon
Small Sepsis Wound Stickon
Large Sepsis Wound Stickon
2nd Degree Burn Stickon
Trauma Randy Overlay
Arm Flash Moulage
Leg Flash Moulage
Head Flash Moulage
Stat Trauma Overlay
Shldr Wght 12.5Lb Add Ons Iaff
Vest Iaff 50# Small Weighted
Vest Iaff 50# Med Weighted
Vest Iaff 50# Large Weighted
Skeleton Human Muscular
Model Arm Muscle/Life 7Prt
Leg Muscle/Life Sz/13 Pts

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